2015年9月26日 星期六

iOS筆記:Delegate and DataSource


Delegation is a simple and powerful pattern in which one object in a program acts on behalf of, or in coordination with, another object. The delegating object keeps a reference to the other object—the delegate—and at the appropriate time sends a message to it. The message informs the delegate of an event that the delegating object is about to handle or has just handled. The delegate may respond to the message by updating the appearance or state of itself or other objects in the application, and in some cases it can return a value that affects how an impending event is handled. The main value of delegation is that it allows you to easily customize the behavior of several objects in one central object.

資料來源(data scorce):

A data source is almost identical to a delegate. The difference is in the relationship with the delegating object. Instead of being delegated control of the user interface, a data source is delegated control of data. The delegating object, typically a view object such as a table view, holds a reference to its data source and occasionally asks it for the data it should display. A data source, like a delegate, must adopt a protocol and implement at minimum the required methods of that protocol. Data sources are responsible for managing the memory of the model objects they give to the delegating view.


C# 中使用 events 在做的事情,在 Objective-C 中,我們往往使用 target/action 與 delegate 實作。


那麼,「我」就是A Object. 「秘書」就是”我”的「Delegate」。寫成代碼就是 – [我 setDelegate:秘書];

enter image description here


為”ViewController”加上”UITableViewDataSource” protocol協定,以擁有載入資料至UITableView的能力。

The UITableView‘s dataSource and delegate.!
The delegate is used to control how the table is displayed.!
The dataSource provides the data what is displayed inside the cells.!

1.1 為”ViewController”加上”UITableViewDataSource” protocol協定,於UIViewController後方加上"<UITableViewDataSource>"

    @interface ViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSource> 

1.2 於”ViewController.m”檔中實作 “– tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:”方法,以回傳資料的列數,在此回傳3,表示3列資料。

     - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView 
          return 3; 

1.3 於”ViewController.m”檔中實作 “– tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:”方法,以依照列數回傳UITableViewCell物件,而UITableViewCell物件即是UITableView用來顯示一筆資料的物件。在此建立UITableViewCell物件,透過indexPath的row屬性取得列數,並轉成字串設定給UITableViewCell,最後回傳cell物件,以供UITabelView顯示於畫面上(在此為了更容易了解程式,以直接建立UITableView的方式取得cell物件,正確的寫法應是可將同性質的UITableViewCell拿來重複使用才對)。

      - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView 
               cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath 

          UITableViewCell *cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] init]; 

          NSString *rowNumber = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%i", [indexPath row] ]; 

          [cell.textLabel setText:rowNumber]; 

          return cell;


- (void)viewDidLoad { 
    [super viewDidLoad]; 

    self.tableView.dataSource = self; 


Datasource VS Delegate

1.Picker view 會問 datasource 它該如何表現
2.datasource 會告訴他你有 9欄的數量需要show 在 iphone 手機的 picker view 中

=> datasource 提供 picker view 如何展示它的資料內容。

小結:datasource 會以控制項(picker view )預期的格式,提供給控制項(picker view)所需要的資訊 (9欄要show)。

“當”使用者選取某個picker view 中的某個值後….

a.”當” 事情發生時,picker view 會告訴他的delegate。ex: user 選了第三列….
b. delegate 要準備對這個行為作反應。
(至於要怎麼做,我們先不管,所以圖中的b. 停在delegate 的框中,正準備要做反應。)

Protocols and Delegate

enter image description here

1. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/DevPedia-CocoaCore/Delegation.html
2. http://blog.eddie.com.tw/2013/05/24/delegation-in-objective-c/
3. http://lokanghung.blogspot.tw/2013/06/ios-delegate-protocol.html
4. http://codex.wiki/post/125658-431

